This year we invited Julie and her family to go along. The first night we went to Moosejaw for dinner. It was fun.

After this, it was decided that Dalton would no longer have any Mt. Dew or any soda with caffeine in it. Didn't matter too much. The kid is a ball of fire. I wish I had his energy. He helped out with Emily and kept her entertained a lot of the time.
Toby is a good big brother; to Dalton and to Emily. He was really good with her and wasn't concerned when she looked at him and started screaming. He actually saved us a lot of distress when he said "She's hungry". We didn't believe him at first but soon found out he was right when we fed her and she quieted down.
Jade is the big sister. She is so tolerant of the boys. She really liked babysitting Emily, I think. I don't think we paid her enough for all she did.
Strangely, whenever Emily had a poopy diaper, the kids all disappeared and didn't want to help with that. I just don't understand.
Stay tuned for more exciting pictures. Luckily Julie is a photobug and takes a lot of pictures because I was a bad mommy and didn't take near enough pictures, though I think I starred in more than I would have liked to.
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