Saturday, June 20, 2009

Emily's Baptism

Today Emily got baptized. She did really good - no crying, peeing or pooping.
Here are some pictures:

Daddy and Emily hanging out before the baptism

Father Ed Fitzpatrick, Mommy, Emily, Daddy, Godfather Bob, Godmother Sue

Emily thought the whole process was hilarious!

Father Ed getting ready to baptism Emily

Grandma splashing cold water on Emily's head

The special (and created at the last minute by Mommy) candles

Emily's special candle, Mommy's baptism candle, and the candle recognizing those who are no longer with us but are in our hearts forever

Grandma and Mommy struggling to dress Emily in the baptismal gown that has been in the family for 104 years. Four people present (Great Grandma, Great Aunt Carol, Grandma and Mommy) wore the dress before Emily. Dress is FINALLY on!
Godfather Bob, Mommy, Emily, Daddy, Godmother Sue
Godfather Bob and Emily
Father Ed, Godmother Sue and Emily
Four generation picture
Grandpa and Grandma with Emily
Daddy and Mommy with Emily
Thank you to all who were able to celebrate with us. We appreciate everything you do for us!

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