Friday, June 19, 2009

Exciting Times in Manning, Part 2

The next day we went to see Uncle Bob and work on the tractor.

Emily was quite happy to see Uncle Bob.

Soon after we arrived, our friend, Eric, and his daughter, Kyrsten, arrived to hang out with us. Eric visited us at the hospital when Emily was born and wanted to steal her. He still loves her. :)

Don't these two look alike?

Kyrsten took right to Emily and Emily took right to her. Kyrsten was really a very good helper and I was fortunate to have her to help. I got a terrible headache and had to lay down for a couple of hours. Kyrsten took over baby cares and I got to rest.

While the guys were outside working on the tractor, Kyrsten and Emily bonded quite a bit. I think they're BFFA now.

After the work was done, Kyrsten and Emilly chilled out on Bob's hammock. Good picture of two cute girls. I think they both took a nap while we adults were catching up.

We had a lot of fun that weekend and hope to be able to get together with everyone again sometime soon. Hopefully Eric's other daughter, Paige, will be able to visit with us also next time.

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