Sunday, April 12, 2009

Emily's First Easter, part 1

Emily's baby mama, Julie, and her family gave her this basket full of goodies for Easter. She said that since she couldn't give her candy quite yet, she gave her rice cereal, spoons that tell you if the food is too hot (Julie said "Where were these when my kids were little??) and a bunch of baby foods. Julie's favorite color is orange so she HAD to get the orange onesie (even if it had a seahorse on it) and orange bath toys. The pink just sort of came along with the package.

Of course, we couldn't forget the dogs and here's Daisy the miniature pinscher, eating her Easter treat.
Molly, the lab/pointer mix, gobbled her's down almost quicker than I could take the picture. This is difficult to do because you give a treat to one dog and the others hover around and try to steal it.
Killannie (pronounced Kalani), the greyhound, was polite and ate hers a little slower so I could get a good picture. Had to distract the other dogs with something else of course.

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