Wow! I can't believe it's been such a long time since I've written anything. Wait! Yes I can believe it. I'm a new mom! What a wonderful feeling. Let me catch you up on what has been happening.
On 3/2/09 on our way to Des Moines for the birth of our first child, we got pulled over for speeding. I was so oblivious to the fact that I was going 67 mph in a 55 mph speed zone. Luckily the cop didn't give me a ticket, just a warning to slow it down. He did however give me a ticket for not having my registration in the car. There goes $62 to Poweshiek County! Kevin blames himself because he usually takes care of that kind of stuff. We still haven't put the current registration in the car. Oops.
The next day, 3/3/09, our beautiful baby girl, Emily Alice, was born at 11:13 AM. She weighed 9 lbs, 7 oz and was 20 3/4 inches long. We have a video of her birth if anyone wants to see it. Pretty graphic. I don't advise it, but we'd be happy to send it out to anyone.

Julie, her husband, Mark and I went into the delivery room (there were only a certain amount of people who could go into the room and Kevin got the short straw. Sorry honey!) at 11:00 AM, were out by 11:15 AM and Kevin and my parents hardly had time to get to the nursery to see Emily and I come to the window. Once again, I yelled (through the glass) "It's a girl!". Although we weren't totally decided on a name until about two hours before delivery, I yelled out her name and Kevin translated to my parents who were with him. I think my dad cried a little bit. My Aunt Alice had just died of multiple cancers a week before Emily was born. Kevin and I had decided that Alice was a wonderful middle name for Emily (later on her name).

We were discharged on Friday, 3/6/09. Emily had a slightly high bilirubin of 16.7 so they sent us home with a bili blanket, which is an ultraviolet light that you strap onto your baby and she glows like a Glow Worm. Kind of freaky. The thing looked like a vaccuum cleaner. Emily didn't mind it and after a while we got used to it also. We were able to send it back three days later. At a cost of $4000 for the machine, I was glad to get rid of it.

Over this month we have learned a whole lot of love we never expected to learn. Our love for Emily is something different than we have ever felt before. She is such a little being that needs us so much. We have taken her everywhere with us. I can't imagine a life without her or remember life before her. She is truely a miracle.
its great to see pics good luck with Emily she is such a blessing!