Sunday, April 12, 2009

Emily's First Easter, part 2

This is the second part of Emily's First Easter. We went to Grandma & Grandpa's house for Easter Dinner. Emily got a doll from the Easter Bunny since she's too little for candy.

Emily also got a cute bib that says "Baby's First Easter" on it from Uncle Andy, Aunt Jenn, and cousins Taylor and Jessica. She also got two very cute onesies that she will probably fit in very soon. I suspect Aunt Jenn was the one responsible for getting Emily all of the goodies so we'll have to make sure to send a thank you note.
After dinner, grandma announced that they had bought dessert and showed Emily this cake. For only being 5-5/7 weeks old, Emily's eyes got huge when she saw this cake. Then she spit up and started to cry. I guess if I saw this thing I would probably cry also. I hope we didn't scar her for life. Grandma saved to plastic easter bunny parts to use next year. We'll see what happens.

And finally, the family picture with the scary Easter Bunny cake.

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